Welcome to Burgerqueen !

Hello for anyone who come to visit Burgerqueen blog! 

Believe me, it would be the most exciting thing of 2016 that you found the BurgerQueen blog. 

If you are not a burger lover, you might be curious about why there is a group of people who are so in love with burgers. In Burgerqueen blog, I will let you know the mystery of burger and the variety of burger which is produced to satisfy those so-called burger experts.

Eating burger is the most enjoyable thing in life, hoping that you have the same thought as me. As a burger addict, I am happy to share with you those fantastic burgers that I have eaten till now (the number is increasing…)

Anyway, if you are the person who hasn’t found out the reason why you are so sticking to burgers, don’t worry, you will find it here.

Have fun and enjoy 🙂